Friday, August 14, 2009

1961: Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine

Ronald Reagan still speaks today. I loved that man. God rest his soul. Where are the Ronald Reagans of today?

Whatever your thoughts on RR, this speech is a great history lesson.

My favorite quote: "Governments don't tax for the money they need. Governments find a need for the money they get". The only difference now days is that Governments find needs and spend money they don't have but will tax us or our children for later.

One more thing. There are only two reasons we need to state as to why we oppose socialized medicine in America (forget these silly "death panels"):

1) We cannot afford it, especially now (recession + huge budget deficits and more to come).

2) The Government historically does very little well compared to private enterprise. Seriously, they can't even operate the cash for clunkers program. They can't even run the Postal Service so that it breaks even every year. Why in the world then would we think they can do a good job in something so personal as medicine?

Now, please open your mind and listen to some words of wisdom below.

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