Monday, January 12, 2009

On the flip side . . .

Bush's Achievements
Ten things the president got right.
by Fred Barnes
You can find the full article here

In Summary:
1) Standing up to the Global Warming alarmists and let the facts catch up with the hysteria.
2) Enhanced interrogation of terrorists
3) Rebuilding of presidential authority, which was badly degraded in the era of Vietnam, Watergate, and Bill Clinton.
4) Bush's unswerving support for Israel
5) His fifth success was No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the education reform bill cosponsored by America's most prominent liberal Democratic senator Edward Kennedy.
6) Sixth, Bush declared in his second inaugural address in 2005 that American foreign policy (at least his) would henceforth focus on promoting democracy
around the world.
7) The seventh achievement is the Medicare prescription drug benefit, enacted in 2003. It's not only wildly popular; it has cost less than expected by triggering competition among drug companies.
8) Then there were John Roberts and Sam Alito. In putting them on the Supreme Court and naming Roberts chief justice.
9) Bush's ninth achievement has been widely ignored. He strengthened relations with east Asian democracies (Japan, South Korea, Australia) without causing a rift with China.
10) Finally, a no-brainer: the surge

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