Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Talladega crash

I'm a little late on this but if you haven't it yet it's worth the 5 minutes.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Sen. Spector finally made it official today, after years of voting with Democrats, and finally came out of the closet so to speak and announced he is now . . . gasp . .. a Democrat.

Yeah, it gives Obama his filibuster proof Senate but in effect he really already had one.

Spector and a few other RHINO (Republican in name only) Senators have been a thorn in the Republican party's side for years by always voting with the opposition when it most mattered (Spector was one of three Republicans to vote for Obama's stimulus/budget buster/tax hike bill).

Welcome home Sen. Spector and good luck winning in the 2010 election since party switchers don't usually fair to well.

I can think of one in this state (State Senator Dean Johnson) who switched for the same reason Spector did . . . because he knew he wouldn't win his party's nomination the next election cycle.

He lost the next election just like Spector will.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu . . . not the first time we've seen this

Headline: March 24, 1976: Ford Orders Swine-Flu Shots for All

Full article here

Pretty interesting considering all the media on this the past week.

Not to mention this little fact: Worldwide, seasonal flu kills between 250,000 and 500,000 people in an average year but the new strain worries experts because it spreads rapidly between humans and there is no vaccine for it.

So far 149 are dead in Mexico. No deaths elsewhere yet. I guess only time will tell but after SARS and the bird flu media blitzes one cannot help but be skeptical.

Headline of the week: "Teacher puts poop in kids backpack"

No joke.

YAKIMA, WA (KIMA) - An unexpected surprise in their son's backpack caught some Yakima Washington parents off guard. It was human waste, with a note attached from the boy's teacher. And the school isn't denying that's what happened.

Link to the full story here

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jeneane Garafalo is full of hate (so is that dimwit Obberman)

This interview reveals much about how liberals in their self centered, arrogant, all knowing attitude think.

This woman has truly lost it.

This comment from another web site I read sums it up perfectly:

The Right thinks: that people on the Left are wrong.

The Left thinks: that people on the Right are racists. Have medically defective brains. Are all wife-beaters/oppresive to their wives. Intellectually dependent on hatred. And they have nothing else to rely on. Nothing.

So tell me, which side is more "tolerant" and "open-minded"? Which side hates those that they don't agree with?

And this from Ace at Ace of Spades:

Right... I oppose Obama because he's black. If it were nice white Ralph Nader turning the nation into a European socialist nanny state, I'd approve.

Any finally from my new favorite country song:

God is great, beer is good and people are crazy.

Dancing Bear

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Obama meets Chavez

Article here

These two have more in common than most people think.

Friday, April 17, 2009

If you can't beat 'em, bad-mouth 'em?

"News anchors resort to sexual innuendo to criticize tea parties"

Whatever happened to professional journalism?

This is disgusting in so many ways.

Full article at World Net Daily here

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jesus symbol not good

according to the Obama White House who requested that Georgetown U cover it when Obama gave a speech there.

Georgetown U is a catholic school I guess and surprisingly they complied.

So, in short, bowing to Saudi Kings is OK but Jesus symbol behind you while speaking is not.

I wonder if Obama would make a similar request if he were speaking at a Muslim or Jewish University.

Link to the article here

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

And just in time for the NHL playoffs

. . . Satan will join Penguins Thursday

Talk about selling your soul to win a Stanley Cup!

LOL . . . I'm not even sure if they are in the playoffs.

How would you like to have this guys last name?

Department of Homeland Security warns

. . . in a new report about:

Islamo fascists? Nope.

Somalian pirates? Nope.

Chinese web hackers? Nope.

Anarchists? Nope.

Their new report warns about a rise in "right wing extremist activity".

Here is their definition of right wing extremism:
"right wing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.

Wow. When did the DHS become so political. Most people I know would prefer state or local authority over federal when it comes down to it.

Even the white house backed away from this one. The DHS could at least also warn about left wing extremists such as PETA, Greenpeace, etc in order to appear more neutral.

Link to the full article here

Soul Wow

I know it's a little past Easter but I just found this and thought it was somewhat entertaining:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Romans 5:8

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Friday, April 10, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Looks like a bow to me . . .

What a dork.

Not because he bowed (which was inappropriate IMO) but because the White House denies it was a bow.

More here

Monday, April 6, 2009

The 100 best movie lines in 200 seconds.

Rep. Michelle Bachmann-MN

As usual, she makes some very good points. We need more like her.

Friday, April 3, 2009

10 yr old future super star

Another great news clip about my nephew who I'm told will be appearing on the Today Show sometime in the next month or so.

Article and video here